
No one joins my simuls

Simuls hosted by people like one of the Chessbrahs or Chessexplained are usually full fairly fast, in fact there is more demand than supply.

So I guess the problem is really that a simul *exhibition* is for high level players to show off their skill. If one wants to kill random 1500s, one can just search and join the games normally, no point in adding the additional difficulty for the already average player like you and me.

Again, hosting a simul more or less only makes sense if one can dominate basically all of the potential opponents in a 1v1, otherwise, they can just get better games with less waiting by just playing us average people in a 1v1.
Nice analysis! That is what I thought as well, but I'm impressed to see it laid out so simply.

Currently, Lichess features simuls hosted by players of rating over 1700 on the homepage for a while. In other words, if your performance in any of the chosen variants (If you picked standard, it falls as Classical / Blitz based on your selected time control), your simul gets promoted briefly.
I think it is fairly obvious that a simul is only interesting when a really good player is hosting it. Anyone under 2000 hosting a simul should be concentrating on winning one game at a time.
I just made a simul, it was of three players and We enjoyed it,
Im slow player yeah its true simuls are typical for high rated players but I think a 1600 can play a 1200 in simul or a 1900 a 1600, like blitz training or time management or for the fun
the problem seems to be that It takes a while to start it
but there is nothing wrong with simuls they look fine
Its an opportunity to play a slightly higher player
I created the simul first because I wanted to try it and second because there was a player about 1450 which obviouslyy did not enjoy to play against lance which is 2750, I played him the other day, yeah top players It is good that they create simuls but its too hard, so We can have both the difficult ones and just amateur simuls with less people.
Its a challengue for a "high" rated player and also a challengue for the one with less points, so if one plays blitz I dont see a reason to not play a simul besides the waiting time to create it,
once in a while, maybe not the best way to learn but quite amusing.
Im too tired to write but It reminded me of blindfolded chess
which I only played two or three times against a Stockfish one,
its probably a good skill to have (I dont, dont see all the pieces)
to measure to see if one can handle multiple boards, maybe higher rated players can elaborate on that, I just think a good blindfolded player will do well with a simul
You dont need it actually because the board appears but It has to be useful

a) Simuls are fine for friends etc. if you're a lower-ranked player
b) There are plenty of opportunities to play higher-ranked players - just join a tourney!

The thing is, generally, people aren't interested in watching lower-ranked people playing multiple games.
yeah but for a 1300 player a 1500 is not that low,
and having more time in the clock is fun, or not fun but
whats the word? handicap
yeah its true than you can play bersek in tournaments
I specially dont like tournaments they are too fast
or the pool is too broad and they are long and more than one game, etc, so its different
yeah there are probably many reasons for someone to dont bother to join a simul unless is fighting a really good player a gm, fm, im or someone with title but for the creator of the simul its a very pleasant experience
it might be difficult to set it up but they can enjoy it as well, I ve played it, not as a host but a participant as well,
yeah it does not look too different than a normal game
the thing is that, you have more time in the clock so yeah thats the main difference, and its actually fun because u can see the rest of the boards how they are doing and see who beats the strong player, and in a tournament u only have twice the time whereas in a simul you got it multiple times
I just think if it appeared in the lobby many people or a few more will join or actually know that a simul is there.

It's mostly a technical issue, seeks that match the simul criteria have to fall under the simul. So if you open a 1 min bullet simul, all the seeking players would jump right into your bait!
but for a 1mn bullet simul, you will really need Naka's Red Bull.
There would be more people if was possible to late join simuls.

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