
Tactics Music?

I have identity problems and want to feel like a ChessBrah Blitz Yisus Craist HyperBullet player while solving tactics. Any nice playlist to listen while breaking mouses after choosing mate in 3 instead of mate in 2?
Depends on what you like. Never listen to music that ticks you off cause you rage a lot XD.

"ChessBrah Blitz Yisus Craist HyperBullet" its going on my profile.
Lol guys, nice music. I was wondering if you knew about some electro music. I feel old and rusty when I put on my Beatles music lol, I need some extasis to get my blitz tactics going lolol
The thing is how do you solve tactics?
I used to do tactics some years ago on chesstempo (2400 in blitz mode trust me I have solved a lot )
I usually have 2 ways of thinking, one when i am relaxed and just try to solve tactics based mainly on my positional feeling I listen to something girly like this:
and one when I feel I can visualise anything and go really deep, I listen to something more intense, like this:
Best of luck to your solving experience!

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