
Top Bar Suggestion

To ease the access to everywhere, top bar shouldn't scroll with the page.
That "play-learn-watch........palette-sound-profile-language" always should be fixed to the top.
Good days all.
No! If there is something i hate then top bars which do not disappear. The bookmarks bar is for this. Im fine if this is optional but please do not force it upon users, thanks.
Cool userstyle, but it needs to adapt to transparent theme and be semi-opaque. ;P
Yeah I second #2, I would much rather this be optional. I'm firmly of the belief that the 'fixed menu' UI pattern is only relevant on mobile, where scrolling is often problematic.

It is ugly and doesn't feel elegant on desktop (the screen gets jerky in most implementations) and wastes precious screen space. Plus, it is easily sorted by just pressing the Home key. :) So yeah, not for desktops please.

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