
On writing a paper

Off topic
From 100-1000 words

Many people find it hard ,daunting and downright scary to write longer papers. But I'm here to help! Depending on what you're writing about and who your writing for is a major part of paper writing. When I say paper I mean papers for school,jobs or even for fun. Here is something that might seem counter productive at first but is really amazing! Write with a time limit! Now this may sound like a dance with fate but not really, writing like this allows you to find your comfort zone and work in that time limit. Because writing like this will in the long run keep you less stressed and more free.

Use "filler words" such as it, or,mine,like,and,the. Don't write repetitively, ever heard the saying repetition goes the distance? Probably not cause I just made it up, but it is true in almost everything except writing. No one likes to read something written like this> hello said dan,hello said dude. I'm dude who are you? I'm dan.
I think that's speaks for itself don't write repetitively.

Don't use cliches like:man of steel or all is fair in love and war or better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all. Don't be afraid to quote other works! "Borrowing" is a huge part of the artistic processes make sure to put quote marks though or the Fed's will get you! Please like and share and I'll write again soon!