FM Simba7 Lichess coach picture

FM Siem van Dael

Experienced coach and player.

LocationNetherlands Netherlands
LanguagesEnglish (US), Nederlands
RatingFIDE: 2362264923172236
Hourly rateNegotiable, also available for training games with analysis.
AvailabilityAccepting students

About me

My name is Siem van Dael, I'm a FIDE Master from The Netherlands, 18 years old. Graduated high school in The Netherlands and since then spending a lot of time working on chess and giving chess lessons to clubs and individuals.

Playing experience

I've started playing chess since I was 4 years old and have played over 1000 FIDE rated games by now.

Dutch Championship U8 2011 - 1st place
Dutch Championships U8 2012 - 1st place
Dutch Championship U10 2013 - 2nd place
Open Dutch Champion U16 2014 - 1st place
Dutch Championships U12 2015 - 1st place
Dutch Championships U12 2016 - 1st place
Dutch championships U20 2019 - 2nd place
European Championships U16 2019 - 2nd place
Dutch championships U20 2020 - 1st place
Uppsala Young Champions 2020 - 1st place

And many more good performances such as reaching FM in 2017 and 2 IM norms in 2021.

Teaching experience

Over the past year I've started coaching and realised I really enjoy it, I've had many students so far, some short-term some long-term and even group lessons for clubs or other groups. Available almost all the time and always looking to fit the right training for the right person. Also I have tried streaming and really enjoyed entertaining people during the streams, but haven't picked it up regularly.

Teaching methodology

The lessons are adjusted to different people, a lot of time goes in preparation for the topics/weaknesses the student wants to work at, or a topic suggested by me that seems to fit the student. A lot of variety, available for playing games and analysing them, working on openings, middlegame, endgames and many more interesting topics.