
deleting forum posts/comments

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@billy_eyelashhh Not fond of Memory Holes. This generation needs to learn that people's ideas and attitudes change over time, instead of doing crap like canceling Jamie Fox from hosting the Oscars over sonething he said and (unnecessarily) apologized for over 10 years ago.

They are all trigger-happy, and not in the Clint Eastwood "make my day" sense. Faux outrage is all the rage. We should not make us seek to hide our past mistakes.

@Toadofsky Maybe posting it here means YOU won't consider it, but the stated purpose of this forum is to provide feedback and suggestions to developers. Otherwise it would have to be called the "Redirect to Github Forum."
#4 Thanks, much appreciated.

#6 I'm right, but have a good day anyway.
Well, you have at least two of Larry Wall's three essential virtues of a software developer, then. Hubris and laziness shines in droves.
Hubris... I see, truly this is how I am to be remembered.
@Toadofsky what I ap tryong to say (and I think @phoenixshade as well) is why would you even have a feedback forum section if one can equally well post directly on github and the difference is if you post here it willnot be considered whereas if you post directly on github it will?

You might be right but just saying 'I am right' seems abit short an explanation unless you don't actually care what people think.

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