
Are new religions ever a good idea?

I hope so!

I'm a recent Gremlin proselyte. Issssss..... We strive to be clean, cute looking & most of all very very cuddly .. although there's negligible cuddling for some reason, and being accessible & pleasant.... It's not demanding and it's provides pretty good padding for peace in this life. And just we are forbidden to eat after midnight. We can but that will turn us into demonic monsters with a literally insatiable appetite for destruction with a dark but intact sense of humor.

If anyone needs more info or has a heart felt need to help donate to Gremlins you can message me on
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no [not me]
Question: Do you follow Stripism, or are you a Gizmologist?
The first religion was when some clever homo sapiens looked at the sky and tried to come up with an explanation of what they saw and concluded that because it was obviously beyond their powers of comprehension,then something smarter than they had made it.
Nothing's changed since then.
I am not religious myself, but I think there is more to religion than @obladie says. Even if the world would be completely rationally understood, there would still be a feeling of mystery or wonder about it: "the most incomprehensible thing with the world is that it is comprehensible" (Albert Einstein). So I think originally religions were there maybe not to answer, but at least to fill the gap left by this feeling of mystery. I think it has no answer and is still the same wonder as in the very beginning of humanity, hence I don't see the need for "new" religions (or even for different religions. Once you strip the religions off their mythological content, the spiritual parts are more or less similar). Also I think religions have mostly been used as a tool of power over masses instead of their original spiritual aim.
Institutional religion is primarily a form of brainwashing and mind control correct.

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