
Ur opinion on Trans people

@WassimBerbar said in #31:
> There are a lot of muslims on Lichess, and if we see it we might be somewhat provoked by this topic, as we consider this aa sin.

Yes, because everyone on Lichess must cater to this random Muslim! This random Muslim commands it!

I have Muslim friends that wouldn't care if you mentioned it. If you don't like it, you can just not comment on this forum. Is it that hard? You are not better than the rest of Lichess, so that everyone must respect your wishes and your wishes only. Sorry if this comes across as harsh.

Like others have said, there are people that agree with you, that transgender people are wrong. But have you seen those people demanding someone not to ask a question because they don't like it?

And to answer OP @Zurel's question, I respect all names and pronouns I am given. I treat transgender people the way I treat everyone else.
@greenteakitten said in #73:
The topic name is: your opinions, and he shared his opinion as he was asked, and since he is a muslim he answered from an Islamic perspective, what problem do you have with that
@sdkman said in #75:
> The topic name is: your opinions, and he shared his opinion as he was asked, and since he is a muslim he answered from an Islamic perspective, what problem do you have with that

Opinion = I don't support/I support

He complained about these topics being created just to "provoke Muslims".

1) He cannot speak on behalf of all Muslims
2) He is not above the rest of us. We should not need to change for him.
sit back and watch the world burn. smh
@greenteakitten said in #76:
He didn't ask you to change, he pointed out the topic provokes muslims, he pointed out≠forced you to change or whatever, saying that the topic is triggering is also an opinion because he thinks "an opinion" that similar questions would be triggering to muslims, he just shared that info, he didn't force you to change je didn't force anyone to change ... he just stated what he thought
@sdkman said in #78:
> He didn't ask you to change, he pointed out the topic provokes muslims, he pointed out≠forced you to change or whatever, saying that the topic is triggering is also an opinion because he thinks "an opinion" that similar questions would be triggering to muslims, he just shared that info, he didn't force you to change je didn't force anyone to change ... he just stated what he thought

And like, he doesn't really need to say that. Because he cannot speak on behalf of all Muslims.

If a topic is triggering, you don't look at said topic. And if you look at it, you don't complain. You keep quiet because what's triggering to one person is an interesting discussion to another. I don't mean to sound harsh but you really shouldn't be calling this "pointing out." This is blatant trying to drag the discussion elsewhere because one does not like the fact that the forum doesn't always match his political views.
@greenteakitten said in #79:
> And like, he doesn't really need to say that. Because he cannot speak on behalf of all Muslims
But he can and he said it in a respectful way and didn't force his opinion on anyone
He just said this topic is triggering to muslims
He stated this point as an addition, he didn't force anyone to change topic or anything and he spoke in a respectful way

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