
Can Quantum mechanics answer to the question of knowing our future!?

I have basically developed the concept though with two three major paradoxical lines. I hope that I may able to solve them in distant future!!!
Share your insights on this topic without any criticism. Thank you ladies and gentlemen.
- yours @CosmicPegasus2006
@CosmicPegasus2006 said in #1:
> I have basically developed the concept though with two three major paradoxical lines. I hope that I may able to solve them in distant future!!!
Congrats on developing them! Hope you solve them very soon.

DISCLAIMER: No criticism or forcing to do anything is there in this post.

To answer your question, I am sharing my insight. I am also going through some basic information.
- As we know, Quantum Mechanics is the study of particles at subatomic level, it can produce multiple answers to one question. For example, one plus one equals two, as per the classical physics. But quantum physics says the result can 2, 3, 6, 5, 7, or even infinity!
Now, for a moment, let's keep aside the great quantum mechanics and see this information.
- Dr. Michio Kaku, co-founder of string field theory said in his book, the God Equation that if we can locate the particle and it's velocity in the whole universe, we can deduce it's future.
If we can deduce it's future, then can't we extend it's future? And somehow if we can extend it's future, can't we know the future?
Using quantum mechanics, we can come through many possibilities and can predict also. So, we can use quantum mechanics to know the future but it will need an equation and theory to define the above given question as this question will appear on the way to the success.

Correct me if I am wrong somewhere!
Seems to me that at best we could predict a future but not The future. Would our ability to accurately predict the future change the development of the future thereby rendering our prediction inaccurate?
We can predict the future pretty easily, myself I've worked in predictive analytics for years, but the question is how accurate is the prediction?

If you're asking if we can perfectly predict the future given perfect information, the answer is probably still no a la the death of Laplace's Demon.

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