
En passant chess variant

I was thinking about en passant while walking with the dog, and figured it could as well be applied to bishops, rooks, and queens too. As in, you could capture them by moving to any of the squares they "moved through" in their previous move. It doesn't naturally apply to kings, who only move one square at a time, and I don't know if it'd be applicaple to knights - maybe they'd be immune. Also, any piece would be able to do the capture.

Does a variant like this exist?

Imagine all the possibilities... Though I don't know how well it would play.
@Iaxul said in #1:
> It doesn't naturally apply to kings, who only move one square at a time
Actually, it does apply even in standard chess: in the only move when a king can move by more than one square, it is not allowed to pass through an attacked square.
@mkubecek said in #2:
> Actually, it does apply even in standard chess: in the only move when a king can move by more than one square, it is not allowed to pass through an attacked square.
Ah, right, castling. How absent-minded of me.
This sound worth a try.

And yes, I would exclude the knights from being captured. They are not really walking over other squares, and it would be a pain to decide which squares exactly anyway. This might increase their attacking value in this variant considerably.
One argument would be that if presence of a piece on certain square does not prevent the move, the square should not be considered "passed through" and therefore eligible for "generalized en passant" capture.

Other approach would bring some weird corner cases. Consider e.g. white knight moving from g1 to f3 with white pawns on f2 and g2. Should Bxf2 capture both the f3 knight and f2 pawn or only one of them? (And if so, which one?) And how about the case when there is a black piece on the "intermediate" square?
@mkubecek said in #5:
> One argument would be that if presence of a piece on certain square does not prevent the move, the square should not be considered "passed through" and therefore eligible for "generalized en passant" capture.
Yep, I think this is the most sensible solution. Those weird corner cases would better fit a variant where knights capture everything they "hop over", or something.
I don't know if such a variant exists, but this is a really cool idea and you should definetly try it out.
@Iaxul It's not the same thing as you're describing, but it reminds me of Kung Fu Chess, where it is possible to capture a piece before it has finished moving to its destination:
@AsDaGo said in #8:
> @Iaxul It's not the same thing as you're describing, but it reminds me of Kung Fu Chess, where it is possible to capture a piece before it has finished moving to its destination:
Looks pretty fun! :D But yeah, in my version you move one piece at a time.
@iaxul Hyväa on! When I read your first sentence "I was thinking about en passant while walking with the dog" my first idea was that someone else with another dog crossed your way and the two dogs made some kind of en passant which caused your dog leash (koiran talutushihna) to cross...

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