
Can you name more plane crashes than me?

@ThisUsernameIsNotFun said in #10:
> Joke analyser alert!
> This fella is teaching everyone about how to joke! Any one who wants to learn joking should learn from him.
A horse is going to eat your brains and use your knowledge of plane crashes to better ability than you
@Exanions said in #6:
> It ́s better to keep them in memory, for blurting out plane crashes were dozens died is insulting to those whose family members have died.
I agree
It was the airlines fault cuz they let a pilot who failed his exams fly
He forgot to set the flaps correctly and crashed
R.I.P to all the 63 deaths
Luckily 37 people survived
Most plans crashes are false information fed to you by the gods ,don't believe in the system of lies from actors and film makers that make the news to keep you in fear . ,Plato's analogy of the cave is good one if you're trying to learn what's real and what isn't xxx
You saying the Gods want us to fear flying because we're fucking with their poofy clouds?
> @twighead said in #15:
> You saying the Gods want us to fear flying because we're fucking with their poofy clouds?

Usually cause they want your delusion to think you caused it!!
@Midfield_17-D said in #13:
> It was the airlines fault cuz they let a pilot who failed his exams fly
Most of the time, it isn ́t the airlines fault.
Ex: Tenerife, Lion Air , Ethiopian
These are airlines with accidents that led to the deaths of hundreds of people. It ́s not the airlines fault for all of them.
Tenerife: Foggy weather, bad ATC communication
Lion Air & Ethiopian: MCAS system being faulty & Boeing being ignorant.
@SimonBirch said in #14:
> Most plans crashes are false information fed to you by the gods ,don't believe in the system of lies from actors and film makers that make the news to keep you in fear . ,Plato's analogy of the cave is good one if you're trying to learn what's real and what isn't xxx

What are you suggesting? That plane crashes didn't happen?

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