
Bug Report: When I use computer analysis the computer gauge covers one third of the QR file.

Bug Report: This was not a problem last night but now when I use computer analysis and the computer gauge is on I can see only part of the Queen Rook file. It's a minor problem but it would be nice if it was fixed.

My browser is Safari Version 9.1.2

Also, as the brilliant Mr. Duplessis knows I recently reported Notes does not work for Safari.
"Have you tried another browser?"

Before I saw your good question I started using Google Chrome for and everything works OK.

I would like to be able to use Safari for everything but I can live with using two browsers until (and if) the bugs are fixed for Safari.
Another interesting but minor thing I noticed. When I look at Notes using Chrome I can see only 3 lines at a time before I have to scroll down while before when using Safari I could read several more lines in Notes at a time before having to scroll down.

This is nitpicking but I liked the way things were with Notes before it stopped working for Safari.
I just tried using Firefox and everything works exactly as it used to work in Safari. For example unlike Chrome I can see several lines in Notes using Firefox without scrolling down. So from now I will use Firefox for Lichess until and if Notes is fixed for Safari.

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