
The Pareto principle applied to chess?

The Pareto principle, also known as the 80/20 rule, suggests that 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes. In chess improvement, this means that a significant improvement can be achieved by focusing on the most important areas.

To implement the Pareto principle in chess improvement, you can focus on the 20% of chess knowledge and skills that will give you 80% of the results. Which Skills would you focus on improving if you had to pick the top 5?
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What are the top 5? (Everyone has their own)
1. Golden rules and principles. (80% accurate)
2. Pawn structure (It's your plan before an initial move)
3. Look before you leap (See the blunders like hanging pieces, don't assume they played best move.)
4. Know your strength & weaknesses. (Chess insights)
5. Better your methods, by completing the learn section. (Aim to be better than 50% of Lichess players. You will see it in your profile. The percentage is like a personal pass mark compared to that pool of players that play in that time control setting.)
Patience, Speed/Efficiencies, Open-Mindset (to moves), Open-Mindset (to growth), Visualization
More important than everything. To play for fun and only when you feel the need.
Time consuming: even when I play rapid or classic i feel in a rush, I usually use 3min in rapid, it might seem good but at the same time I make a lot of blunders that could have been simple to avoid.
@greysensei said in #2:
> Calculation
> Visualization
> Blunder prevention

That's what I'm doing wrong! I don't calculate, I absolutely can't visualise and my blunder prevention is subconscious, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't.

I wonder what areas I should work on.
If I had to guess I'd say the 80/20 principle will adapt with players weaknesses.

Essentially we should be able to play reasonable moves in all normalish positions in all game phases.

When we stop doing that we open our selves up to easy wins for our opponents.

If I had to guess the average weakest links per li chess rating range are


low ply tactical board awareness / mastery of elementary tactics
mini plans ( mostly meaning improving our pieces/ pawns or disrupting our oppponents pieces or pawns)


sustained concentration to maintain tactical board awareness

more mini plans to cultivate simple strategic awareness

Intermediate tactical mastery
Prophylactic thinking---- the players here might be able to know the common plans but not be able to dance around various ideas-- finding the low depth/ high understanding moves that should take priority.


endgame strategy

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