
in blitz why can a person win when they dont have enough material to mate?

@stg1fuggle said in #1:
> really?

Hello dear Lichessian,
If you were talking about the game against WhiteDevilAbhi which (@)Sarg0n mentioned, there is a mate possible.

Even though it's not forced, but as per chess rules any position in which a mate can occur as any case. The game is declared lost if the player runs out of time.

You can read more about it here

And even here:
When time out, the engine searches for any possible mates, not forced, POSSIBLE. There was a mate for white that continues as pointed out in the above posts.
When a king&night versus lone king position occurs, It is a draw as a the king and knight can not cover all the squares around the king however bad the opponent plays.
If the opponent has another peice however, in some variation the peice will block the square the king&knight cannot cover. Thus, when timeout in such a case, the side that got timed out loses

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