
Android App bugs

Hi, when i play with the Android App, sometimes some games become freezeed... and the 2 clocks become blocked...

for unlock the situation i must exit from the game, and immediatly come back to the game from my profile, clicking on the icon of games in play (top-right lf the screen).
if i not make this maneuver......i lost on time, and i lose the game.

i've also another bug;
in analisys mode, sometime the computer evaluation not work, and i can't move the pieces on the board.

this happen expecially in the analisys of a tactic puzzle.

thanks :)
another bug;
on App profile page, tactics trainer rating not upgrade anymore when i do puzzles.

for example, now on my app i've still 1930 points...but in site i have 1898.
Both of you are right. I'm experiencing the same problem in the new update. Hope the developers listens to our problem and release a new update soon on playstore.
i have a Samsung Tab S2 8" LTE - Android 6.0.1

i hope that this info can give you an help. :)

thanks :)
i report a problem, that was happened for 2 times today;
When i create a game....i wait for minutes...but nothig opponent found...then i press on "cancel" button for try again with a new challenge.
But, in my profile i notice that a game was begun but was aborted.....but in the app, the game and the board was not appeared to me!!!
It seems like if i aborted the games, but is not true, the game never begun, the app was still searching the opponent!
Evidently sometime the app find the opponent, but not shows the board with the game on screen, remaining on the "finding an opponent" window but with a game started and invisible in background.

please fix it.
a suggestion for the developers;

It would be very nice to add "the old position of a piece" when i drag my pieces.
i mean, when i tap and drag one of my piece, would be very very usefull to see where this piece was!
like the site, a good soluction is like the site...with the transparent piece on the starting square.

is very very usefull, because by now, when i drag a pieces, is hard to remember where my piece was (expecially if i want to replace my piece in the same square where it was).

Look this screenshot;
i 'm dragging my hard to understand where my queen was, expecially if, during a game, you have problems of time.
is not intuitive to understand the old position and replace my queen there.

thanks :)


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