
I want to close my lichess account to create a new one

@QueenRosieMary i think your misunderstanding my point. I was making a point to why having a ban or a limit in multiple accounts shouldn’t be allowed
@griffindabeast said in #21:
> @QueenRosieMary i think your misunderstanding my point. I was making a point to why having a ban or a limit in multiple accounts shouldn’t be allowed

I'm struggling to explain to you how you have completely missed the point about what constitutes "multiple accounts"... You have clearly demonstrated that you don't understand and @petri999 and @Cedur216 are also trying to explain but I think it might be a lost cause
@QueenRosieMary said in #20:
> If each family member has one account each, that is not multi-accounting. They can of course all use the same computer if they only have one in the family. In fact, they *should* all have their own account because account-sharing is also not allowed. Not sure what point you are trying to make here?
I was merely giving examples of why having multiple accounts shouldn’t be against the rules let alone impossible to properly detect.
> There is a thing called honesty. Just because Lichess does or does not detect something that is happening doesn't make it less wrong. Dishonesty and rule-breaking does not make for a harmonious community. You don't need multiple accounts, also it takes up unnecessary server space etc and can be abused. This should be common sense. How many accounts do you have anyway?
The reason I said this is because the post was about a guy who wanted to delete his account and create a new one because he wanted a different username. If he deletes his account I don’t understand how that would take up server space or be abused. the moderator replied to him and said it would take up one of his 3 accounts that he’s limited to. I was just explaining how that’s an unenforceable and a non sense rule. I have two accounts but I forgot the information to the other and haven’t played on it for two years or so.
@anonmod i honestly don’t know how they detect this but regardless I disagree with having this as a rule. There are many reasons you may want multiple accounts. Some people prefer to test out new openings on an account where they don't have to worry about their rating, or you may want to keep certain games private. Or you may want an account just to play on when it's late at night and you're tired. Or any number of reasons!
@griffindabeast said in #23:
>@QueenRosieMary are you dense?

@griffindabeast said in #23:
> I was merely giving examples of why having multiple accounts shouldn’t be against the rules let alone impossible to properly detect.
> The reason I said this is because the post was about a guy who wanted to delete his account and create a new one because he wanted a different username. If he deletes his account I don’t understand how that would take up server space or be abused.

The game history of the closed account will still be there on the opponent's games. As to how multiple accounts can be abused, you will probably have to ask someone less dense than me ...

You don't have to understand the rules to follow them. I am sure they are there for good reasons. If you don't like the ToS you don't have to play here...
@Chessand2rock said in #1:
> can I close my Lichess account to create a new account?
Yeah! But I think that it's against the lichess TOS.
@QueenRosieMary said in #26:
> The game history of the closed account will still be there on the opponent's games. As to how multiple accounts can be abused, you will probably have to ask someone less dense than me ...
> You don't have to understand the rules to follow them. I am sure they are there for good reasons. If you don't like the ToS you don't have to play here...
@Chessand2rock said in #1:
> can I close my Lichess account to create a new account?

What account number would this be? You are allowed to have a maximum of three accounts, including closed/inactive ones. So, yes you can - so long as you don't exceed the account limit.

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