
Lichess v2 appreciation thread

Everything is BIGGER.
The bugs will be fixed , no problem.
Dark mode looks really good now, and mobile compatibility is tons better.
Tweak your background to dark and resize your board to make it look as normal as possible. Looking fine to me now after 6 hours of hating it.

SO to Thibault and co. Way to make the site more accessible too, most people aren't going to think twice about that but that is certainly huge!
Wow, I like V2! Well done, thanks for your efforts!
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if I may add. as a streamer can see this new format possibly becoming a problem. having the board and quick parings lobby centered in v1 made it very convenient for streaming. now board is to the left and quick parings (lobby) to the right. for a streamer like me who doesn't simply do a windows capture, rather several captures to create a more interesting layout. this does create some difficulties. not even sure how to resolve this issue and looks like am gonna have to go back to some generic display for streaming. hopefully I'm not the only one who has this problem ha. before this lichess was very streamer friendly. now it might not be streamable at all, again unless you use the generic single windows capture which leaves little to no room for creative overlays. possibly no space for a camera unless choosing to make the board smaller and in my experience of streaming. small boards is never preferred over big. just giving some healthy criticism even tho I doubt it will amount to anything
wanted to also add. having to scroll down to see chat is a big disappointment. how are we to know if someone wrote to us unless we checking every 30 seconds?! excuse this message if there be some sound alert that I haven't caught on to yet
The Old Design was very well measured. Very Clear Design.
The New one seems like it should match smartphone user.
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