
Why Lichess should implement the keyboard interface

How exactly would keyboard help against lag. I dont get it.
Even though Lag compensation is a different subject to KB, I agree with OP. KB should be re-implemented as an official input method available for everyone with the appropriate fixes.
KB was and still is the most innovated move input method ever created. It had some problems that should of been addressed but it's direct ban was a loss to online chess in general.
Two different input methods can't be directly compared, so one of them will always have advantage over the other. A touchscreen cannot be compared with a mouse but none of these methods can be banned due to it's wide use. So basically, KB uniqueness was it's downfall.

I still believe it needs to be: One Click = One Move
If Lichess decide to release an official KB method, I would be interested to contribute/donate to the project.
Clearly what this topic needs is more people complaining and less people coding...

But seriously, in the past the reason Lichess didn't bother to implement such a thing is that it's nontrivial to implement in a way which works on all supported browsers etc.
@XeRo13g said in #14:
> Even though Lag compensation is a different subject to KB, I agree with OP. KB should be re-implemented as an official input method available for everyone with the appropriate fixes.
> KB was and still is the most innovated move input method ever created. It had some problems that should of been addressed but it's direct ban was a loss to online chess in general.
> Two different input methods can't be directly compared, so one of them will always have advantage over the other. A touchscreen cannot be compared with a mouse but none of these methods can be banned due to it's wide use. So basically, KB uniqueness was it's downfall.
> I still believe it needs to be: One Click = One Move
> If Lichess decide to release an official KB method, I would be interested to contribute/donate to the project.
scroll down to input moves by keyboard or voice

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