
Search "user:Prachtstrasse"

6 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Why is there a ? next to my puzzle rating?#6

Thx for the link and the 'code'. Now I sort of understand. I don't mind the ? next to my 2270 puzzle rating.

Lichess Feedback - Why is there a ? next to my puzzle rating?#4

There are also players with a 3000+ puzzle rating. The ? was there at about 2250. Maybe I gain faster rating points than that more difficult puzzles in 2250-range are offered by the system. I did 1700…

Lichess Feedback - Why is there a ? next to my puzzle rating?#1

Why is this?

Lichess Feedback - Lost on time sespite having 9 minutes left#3

I had a similar experience in one game a few weeks ago. clock of opp was running down for 3 minutes and I couldn't do my move. then I double checked this specific game via another browser. and.... my …

Lichess Feedback - move confirmation doesn't work in a specific corr game. no clue why#3

aha, it's a specific correspondence 'infinite'. Thanks, will change that setting as well

Lichess Feedback - move confirmation doesn't work in a specific corr game. no clue why#1

move confirmation doesn't work in a specific corr game. no clue why it doesn't work my default is move confirmation on for all my corr games. I didn't overrule this within this game. I even tried to c…
