
Search "user:glbert"

2205 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - A question to people who leave games without resigning#3

some people simply don't understand how the resign button works, since you have to click it twice by default.

General Chess Discussion - Should I get rating points back against a cheater?#4

@occidentalsmallriver said in #3: > So the assumption is they weren't cheating in previous games? that's the assumption, and it's a very likely assumption too. "cheat detected" covers the most naive w…

General Chess Discussion - Should I get rating points back against a cheater?#2

@occidentalsmallriver said in #1: > then on the third one he got flagged for cheating they did not get flagged. they lost by cheat detected, but did not get flagged.

Lichess Feedback - Show refutation to incorrect puzzle move#6

@White-is-Overpowered said in #5: > it would not be very difficult. if you know that it would not be very difficult, then you can create a pull request.

Lichess Feedback - random Anonymous account watching my games#2

unlikely to be a bug, probably someone who has a tab open with they might not even be actively spectating.

Lichess Feedback - Please stop changing the gui view that we see when we are playing chess#13

is this on mobile in the app, or on mobile in the browser?

Lichess Feedback - Is this puzzle's rating correct?#10

certainly. there are more things that are not equivalent to chess games. none of these things make a puzzle's rating "incorrect" though, as a rating is only the current best estimate for a puzzle's di…

Lichess Feedback - Why Does it Exist?#8

you don't need an alt. you can set kid mode for your current account here:

Lichess Feedback - Is this puzzle's rating correct?#8

well, maybe that is because you are asking questions that do not make any sense? ... i looked at the puzzle. your question still does not make any sense. the rating is correct. the only people who wou…

Lichess Feedback - Lichess API - Get Random Game played on lichess#9

@MrCrusher said in #8: > I want to do a large random sample of games, played by players from a certain range of ELO and gather information on them to get to a statistical conculsion [...] I'm not aski…
