
Oi, bruv! Welcome to our pukka chess crew, "Checkmates & Mandem." We're a bare jokes group of chess buffs from all over, mixin' it up with some wicked chess tournaments and simuls, innit?

So, you fink you've got the skills to hang with the mandem? Our lot loves to throw down some blitz, bullet, and rapid games, all while chattin' bare breeze and having a right laugh, fam. We ain't no grandmasters, but you best believe we've got some sick moves up our sleeves.

Each week, we host a "Bishops and T-Dot Bangers" tournament, where we show off our chess prowess and prove who's the real top boy on the board. And if you're up for a challenge, come join our "Simuls and Slang" event, where our finest chess gurus take on multiple opponents at once – it's a right proper ting!

But don't get it twisted, bruv – we're not all serious and ting. We love to banter and keep it light with some top-notch chess memes and jokes, eh? So, if you're looking for a motive with some chess-lovin' mandem, you've found the right place.

Ready to flex your chess skills with Checkmates & Mandem? Slide into our group, and let's get this party started, wasteman! And remember, it's all about the love for the game, so leave the beef at the door and bring your A-game, 'cause we ain't playin' around.

See you on the board, fam!


Young Bluds10+2 • Rapid • Rated4 rounds Swiss