
iPhone or android

I have an android Sony Xperia with android which works perfectly, AND GUESS WHAT?? 119 GBP IT'S PROFESSIONAL QUALITY BUT SOOOOOOOO CHEAP!!!! Also play store has much more games than apple.
I'd like an Android phone, but one that runs iOS (doesn't currently exist). I like iOS, aside from the fact of lack of openness and customization options. Androids generally are cheaper--and with better hardware.
#13, If I buy the license to use the software, Apple can't sue me for installing it on someone elses hardware. It would also be folly to sue for no other reason than advertising. "iOS is so good, even Android users want to run it".

As for the non-sensical question that started this thread, the "best phone" is very subjective but the best answer (oh, the irony) would be "The best phone is the one that best serves your needs" without regards to brand name.

I hope you play chess better than you try to troll.
@OneDummHikk We are talking about two rivaling softwares, that's all. If you want to call us all trolls then you are the one who is trolling. This is simply a benign forum with nobody saying random stuff and bursting out. If you call this a troll, then just stop looking at the forums because everybody all the forums, according to you is a troll.
There you go again, not being able to read and comprehend English. Perhaps if you attempted to do that at least once, you wouldn't look so ignorant. Not many things overwhelm me but your ignorance is pushing the limits.
We were just stating our preferences @OneDummHikk I'm not saying an iPhone is a terrible electronic because that wouldn't be true. iPhones are very nice, but I am not willing to spend over 1000 dollars on an iPhone. If you have more money than sense but them by all means. I happen to be frugal. Androids have served me well although I have tried both. And let's try not to get ticked at each other. We are just stating our opinions, that's all..
@Nuclear_Warfare I respect peoples opinions. I even try to learn from other peoples opinions. I am, in no shape, form or fashion ticked. Amused but not ticked.

It goes back to what I was talking about. The best phone *for you* is one that is affordable to you that does what you want it to do. Doesn't matter what name is on it. If it does what you want and you are happy with it, that is the "best phone" for you.

A_0123456's issue is that he wants to control the narrative and when it doesn't go his way he avoids and attempts to troll me. I find him amusing and entertaining. Especially his inability to carry on a conversation for more than 13 seconds without changing the subject.

No harm, no foul. Not for me anyway.

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