
Suggestion about interface

I believe that lichess current interface is the sleekest and most stylish to all other competitors, but a tiny problem is that when a person is not logged on to lichess, the left side looks empty since the notification center does not display any message (in face, i did not know that it was a notification center until i started posting in the forums,)

so my suggestion is that in the homepage, the notification center will have messages such as "welcome to lichess" or something so that the left side does not look empty to new comers and to also show its function.
what if people hate their lichess homepage being clustered with follow notifications and forum posts. I for one HATE IT. So I spend most of my time on my account where I follow noone, post nothing and let people follow me. I think the minimalism of lichess at first attracted me.
1. install uBlock
2. right click on the homepage timeline
3. select "Block Element"
4. enjoy

Don't forget that one of the web strengths is that everybody can adapt it to their taste.

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