
Proposed modification to tiebreak rules in tournament play.

I recently came third in the zh ChessWhiz Cup III, but I finished the tournament with a higher tournament performance, winning percentage, and beserk rate than the 2nd place finisher Atrophied. I am informed that the tiebreak determinant is none of these values, but rather rating gain. This is inherently unfair. It is harder for higher rated players to gain points due to the nature of rating system. What I believe to be an unfair rule was the difference between a 31$ prize and a 10$ prize. Suggestion: lichess should discontinue this unfair practice and determines tiebreaks based on tournament performance, rather than rating gain. At the very least, this should be done during more important tournaments, particular ones with cash prizes. Lichess is quickly becoming the place for chess on the internet, so let's ensure that fair practices exist across the board. Cheers

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