
I think human games might not always be the best way to improve.

Unless two humans agree to only explore a particular opening they studied. Playing random openings is a way to broaden or stay current, but not the best way to learn a particular one. Playing random openings against humans is fine after studying tactics.

But what if you studied an endgame, a positional chess game, or an attacking chess game from a book? Playing that game over with a human might be best. But without a human willing to start from that position, playing against a computer from that starting position and counting it as one of your 2 daily games might be better than playing a random game against a human. Maybe you can incorporate the game methods into a random human game.

I think as I work through my textbooks, I'll play key positions against the computer, from both sides, and different strengths, to fully learn the material. Maybe I'll top it off with a human game, but who knows if the position will go that direction.
I do play my dgt centaur board on professional level I can get into one move away from mating it but I may as well be a million miles away before it checkmates me xxx but I do think I play better after playing an engine for a while xxx
I wouldn't play against a computer. We're simply SO BAD against computers that is not even funny, and if you're doing takebacks against the computer, then you might as well not play against it. Just use it to double check your analysis. Analyze games yourself, and then see if the computer agrees. If it doesn't, find out why.
Computers are simply so good, that a good portion of the lines it calculates instantly, you'll never find on your own. The engine should be used as a tool, and it shouldn't be used too often. Letting a computer analyze your games without spending time to analyze it yourself first will almost never help you improve.
Its like puzzles. If you just had the computer show you the answer to the puzzles, you probably wouldn't learn it (at least not as fast). Thats why when we do puzzles, we look at the position and try to find it ourselves. Once satisfied, we check the solution to see if we were right or wrong.
Also, this still holds for games you've played. Even if you've just gotten home after a classical game, it is better to wait a day or two, analyze it yourself, and THEN check an engine.

tldr: engines are too good. Try to only use them to double check yourself, IMO (Note: I'm just some patzer. Take everything I say with a grain of salt).
I want to win against human play like a human because of the fun part...if it ain't fun, u will not want to improve at all

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