
Вызов на бой врагов русских (Call to battle the enemies of Russians)

Свидомые хохлы и русофобы! Кто посмеет сразиться со мной?
(Сonscious Ukrainians & russophobes! Who dares to fight me?)

Yes, you Russians are indeed doing a superb job of colonizing the ineffectually lazy, insignificant, and cultural wasteland as is the Ukraine and it's people.

On another lighter note, we freemasons and our allies are celebrating the Easter season and are opening up to the public one of our most cherished American traditions here in the USA: the sacred ceremony of the reenactment of the execution of the LDS prophet and founder Joseph Smith. This is an intensely spiritual exercise in which we hold a ceremonial and symbolic trial in which we charge the character, Joseph Smith, with crimes against humanity concerning his falsehood as a prophet and the other scandals of his personal life such as glass gazing and pedophilia. The ceremony concludes with a reenactment of the public execution of Joseph Smith and a warning to all of us to live life in purity, faith, and justice. Contact your local Masonic lodge for information concerning this most spiritual and sacred account of our rich and glorious American history!

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