
What are your three most favorite languages?

1. Yᵉ Olde (Earlie Modderne) Ængliſh 🤓
2. Classical Latin 🧐
3. Musical Notation ♪ ♫

PS: “Most favorite” is redundant. Same with “most unique” (an error one encounters most often). While “most biggest” is obviously so (biggest means literally “bigmost”), these other words lack an -st ending, and I suppose that’s the root of the confusion. But they are no less perfectly final for it. (“Perfect,” too, need never be modified thus.) Two exceptions are complete & full, since you can have partially completed / filled things. But if something is unique, or perfect, or your favorite, then that’s all there is to it. Full stop. 🤷
My choices are English, French, and Spanish (not that I'm fluent in them).
Asgardian, Wakandan and...

Most Favorite - Groot's language. Only "I am Groot".

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