
What do you know about Poland?

Poland was under no obligation, either moral or legal, to give up Danzig (Gdansk).

Germany was using its military power (yet again) to try to expand its own borders. Poland was NOT the first plot of land to fall to the Germans, prior to September, 1939. It was simply the "last straw" that made appeasement by many begin to look like the futile and foolish exercise that it was.

But even so, Britain and France (not to mention the U.S., which reacted even more slowly), fiddled around for too long after September, 1939, before reacting in any effective way, since those three nations were NOT (and still aren't) by nature warlike.

Too many political "sophisticates" under-estimated Hitler's threat for too many years. But don't blame Churchill. He saw the threat early. But Britain had to find itself in real peril before many would listen.

Again: history is a great teacher. But there are too few earnest students of it.
@MIHIR_KATTI said in #27:
> and every 24 hours in Poland, a day passes.
Wait until 365 days pass in Poland, a non-bissextile year would pass.
" What do you know about Poland? "
that the place donald trump is queen? or somtin?

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