
Your experience of appealing on lichess

Definitely! I had a chat with the mods two years ago I guess.. they said it like "if you spam here we will make it (chatban) 3 months!"
Unduly hardass approaches in these matters can bear an unsettling resemblance to those thugs over on Greenpawn.
A few weeks of rest and regeneration will not only be good for him, but also for the lichess servers, which are completely overloaded by his massive posting.
@Arjan_chess2 said in #1:
> Were you sucsessful or not? If you were sucessful, please share how you were able to prove your innocence? This Forum is created to help out our chat banned friend.

1st, you meant this thread?

2nd, starting a thread regarding interactions with mods' is similar to being a serial violator of gag order. Ask 45th if it is a good idea to do so. ;-P
A couple of thoughts:

1. Lichess typically is private about mod decisions, so there may be other circumstances that people haven't considered. While I have never been banned myself, I have heard that bans don't come out of the blue.
2. That being said, I never saw anything that would lead me to think the user in question was violating lichess rules. He posted quite frequently, and while some of his posts may have bordered on shitposting, I don't think that was his intent. I think he just likes posting in forums. If his ban was for spamming/shitposting, he probably has a good chance of appealing successfully. Again, though: I don't have all the info.
3. In my nine years as a registered member of lichess, I have never seen a ban lifted due to popular support. Incidentally, #FreeDrake1980
4. Undermining moderators is a bad plan.
5. Post #10 seems a bit odd-- chatbanning wouldn't make sense just for having an alt. It would make more sense to simply close one of the accounts. Alts are also allowed in some cases. The only reason it would make sense to chatban for an alt would be if both the primary and the alt were being used primarily for communication.
I didn't realize and made some posts which as per Lichess were against the ToS and some mod also told me about it but my reluctance to their warning made me post more which caused my chatban about which I came to know from some user that my posts (from the activity) are hidden. I appealed to Lichess and accepted my mistake and they allowed me second and last chance. An unfortunate incident but yeah, every public forum online deserves some moderation.
2 times= 13 or 14 months
WAIT! I was chatbanned for 13 or 14 months..
I said ]]]]]]]]} in a tournament chat accidentally after my pet cat stepped onto my keyboard, got a 15 minute chatban, appealed because I could never go 15 minutes without pointlessly annoying someone who is complaining about women's rights, and received this message.
"So do you want us to deal with your cat or what? You spammed in the chat and got a fair timeout for it."
And then some irreverent troglodyte reported me for trolling (why, I would never?! The NERVE.) and this time I got a less helpful response of "You received a warning for the recent forum posts by you." Like I hadn't noticed I posted forum posts recently. In general though, the Lichess moderation is superior to other sites.

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