
People who depend on clock to win WHEN IN THE LOSING POSITION

@Creative: Regardless of what you think is the appropriate time for a chess match, to agree to a match at any specific time control and then whine whine whine about that time control is embarrassing and stupid.
not whining about time controls
im making a point about opponents who dont resign when they are deep in the losing end and depend on the clock to save them
Two different ways of saying the same thing. Complaining when people beat you because you are too slow to play with time controls that you agreed to IS whining about time controls. Come on, act "like a man" (again, whatever that means) and admit you lost.
Like, if your opponent just ignored the time controls and took as long as he wished over each move, then would you still be winning? Maybe, maybe not. If he was really rated so much higher than you than probably not. The fact is, you were playing with those time controls, and your opponent coped with it better than you did. It's part of the game. Don't accept the match if you're going to cry about losing.
Performance > Time and i out performed so i did not lose.
clocks should not be used to neglect the fact you got outplayed.
"Performance > Time"

There does not exist a wall between them. How you manage your time is part of your performance. Anyway, you lost, enjoy your pouting fit, I'll remove myself from the temper tantrum now though.

There is always tradeoff between quality of moves and your time.
Better moves require more time.
In game with time controls each player chooses the optimal proportion of time spent on thinking vs quality of move. Your opponent was better than you at it. So why are you crying cowbook?
I could spend all my time for first 10 moves playing against you and possibly get +2 evaluation by stockfish. +2 is almost win for me, does it mean that you should resign at this point?
You should not play blitz if you cannot handle time. Play correspondence chess give yourself few days for a move. He won on time but not because he tried to flag you. But because you played slow.

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