
Small styling change that would improve streaming experience

If the style for the div.lichess_ground element (the time and move list on the right during a game) were changed from vertical-align: middle; to vertical-align:top; (moving it up into the empty space above it), it would prevent the streamer's time (and captured pieces) from being covered by their webcam video (see, for example, chessbrahs's latest YouTube video for an example of the time being covered by the webcam video) and/or let them have a bigger webcam video (see, for example, Fins's latest YouTube video for an example of webcam video that is kept really small to avoid covering his time).

Hmm, perhaps a preference setting for this is more appropriate - "Adjust ground to align to top of board margin". I personally really like seeing it in the center so I'd really not like to see it changed irreversibly.
Whoops, completely overlooked #4! Please ignore #5! I need more coffee too :P
How about a "Streaming Mode" that includes all the stylistic tweaks that help streamers?

Other suggestions:
- hide the friends list
- narrow the chat
Can you list the stylistic tweaks that you can come up with? I assume you've seen enough streams to know what will help them better :)

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