
TATA Steel Masters 2024 Round 5: Gukesh Strikes Back

Gukesh... that's the guy who swindled his way into the candidates, right? (At Giri's expense.)
Wow, thank you for that blog. I learned some things from that.
@rotca247 said in #6:
> Swindled is not quite the right word, he did put up a solid performance at the Chennai Masters! Nothing mind-blowing (for that level) but very respectable!

I'm not saying he didn't put up a good performance. I'm saying they willingly and knowingly abused the entire process to exclude Giri. The Chennai Grand Masters 2023 was organized with this goal in mind. Which to me is almost as bad as cheating.
@Molurus said in #4:
> Gukesh... that's the guy who swindled his way into the candidates, right? (At Giri's expense.)

Atleast it wasn't named "firoujza's path to candidates". Hype Firoujza been goofing off in the French fashion scene for the best part of the year, but now he gets to eat the chess cake too.

Gukesh had a lot of bad luck- he got stopped cold by a fully ahem tumescent Carlsen halfway through world Cup, so to speak, while Praggu was lucky to avoid him till the finals.

I am a praggu fan, and he played great to beat Hikaru and Caruana, but he was lucky to avoid Carlsen midway in tournament and probably would not have made it to candidates otherwise. And the reward due to this luck was huge- cash prizes, hobnobbing with celebs and politicians, national awards etc.,

So yeah, i wouldn't grudge Gukesh this. And by his run here, he's doing justice to the means. And nothing suggests that his performance was flaky or lucky unlike Firoujza. He's a sincere lad, and will fight till his last breath to hold up those who spoke for him. He'll even win Wijk, I think Nodirbek alone stands in his way. Praggu's placidity isn't helping a lot, he's now got to play all the in-form players.

One can feel Anish and Wesley's pain, but for sure Gukesh is one person who they will not feel swindled by.