
Down with rating floors

I understand that maybe the mods don't want to hurt the feelings of very weak players but I'm against the 800 point rating floor; if someone is 600 strength they should be 600, not 800. Plus I think it's unfair to actual 800 strength players who could be significantly better than a 500 strength player but have the same rating.
It's more unfair to the 500 rated player than to the 800 one.

Assuming that the 500 is a genuine 500, and not just trying to get the lowest rating possible (which is - in it's own warped way - an even more impressive "achievement" than being the highest rated player.

They could be trying to lose games against other players who were absolutely determined and committed to losing every single game they play. I'm not being sarcastic, if you look at the games record of some players, at least on other sites, it is difficult to assume that they aren't trying to lose due to the large number of games lost in very few moves by timeout or resignation, but not until enough moves have been made to ensure that rating points are lost)

They are treated as being the same as 800's. I'm guessing that there can't be many 500 players on this site (or any other), so they have difficulty finding someone who isn't stronger (assuming that they don't actually WANT to play someone stronger in order to lose).
I know there are sandbaggers trying for the lowest rating but that's not who I'm talking about.

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