
Feature suggestion for corr games - Candidate Moves to prevent time forfeits


I suggest Lichess to allow us to store "candidate moves" for correspondence games, so to avoid forfeits in time. The move will be stored and executed automatically only on the last minute of our clock, unless we go and confirm it (or replace it by better move) before the clock time elapses.


As in real time chess, in correspondence chess we may also loose track of time and forfeit on time just because we thought too deeply, especially when playing many corr games at once. There might be that crucial and harder to decide move for which we adjourn our decision to re-evaluate next day, but then something else distracts us that next day, so when we check our Lichess corr games again it is already too late, sadly.

OBS: I'm a software developer
Along these lines, I think it would be cool to have multiple pre-moves. For example, if there is some tension in your game and multiple pieces could be captured by your opponent, you could premove each capture with your corresponding capture.

* I'm also a software developer. But not for lichess.
#3, That already exists. If you go to analysis and make a sample continuation yo have the option of saving it. If your opponent plays out the move you premoved, your move is made automatically.
Hey, who else is interested in this? I miss it...
Is there another channel for this suggestions?

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