
Keeping lichess account but unlisting it from Google search

Hi all, I played in a fide rated tournament some time back. I played someone who were 300 points lower than me and easily outplayed me in the opening. Although I managed a win in the end but I was very surprised by the accuracy with which he played the opening and middlegame.
My young opponent was kind enough to later admit that he prepared against me. I asked how? He added that he went to Google typed my name found my lichess account and prepared against me.
I was shocked at how serious and competitive chess is even at the lower fide rating levels.
Could you please help me so that I can in a way unlist my accounts from the Google search so that I can prepare in peace. Thank you.
You can't change Google results that easily, but if he found your account by searching your name maybe don't have your name anywhere on your profile.
I am a little bit shocked, that I can find all my forum comments and my profile Intro in Google too. So it is not only lichess-public, but www-public too. Is this Intention by lichess?
unless you have your real name somehow linked to the account ( username, descriptions, public study, coaching profile, etc etc ) your account cannot be found online by your name.
@Schiffskoch said in #3:
> I am a little bit shocked, that I can find all my forum comments and my profile Intro in Google too. So it is not only lichess-public, but www-public too. Is this Intention by lichess?

This is the case with most forums on the internet. You can read it without having an account.
And imagine, some people, like myself, even want their comments to be read by as many others as possible. I mean, I don't know the millions of lichess accounts. Why should I allow millions of people to read my stuff and then forbid the rest of the billions?
Yes, I think, you are right, @sheckley666. I compared it with another chess website, there it's just the same. I am not a member of many websites, so I was not quite sure what is usual or not. I just remembered from Facebook, where you can decide, whether people should be able to find your profile with google or not. But maybe the lichess way is not unnormal.

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