
Lichess for android

This seems like a bi-weekly request on lichess. I'm pretty sure that there aren't any plans to make an android application for lichess. For the time being, if you want to play lichess on Android, you're limited to using the browser.

For an Android application to be possible, Thibault would need to make an API for lichess. If I remember correctly, this is something that Thibault is cautious of doing as it would enable anyone to interface with the API, including people with malicious intent.
Gee, DG. We were talking about this on IRC and I gave you a good answer.

Extending on Clarkey's very accurate answer... I believe it *is possible* to play via a modern Android browser such as Google Chrome or Firefox (Dophin and Opera probably won't cut it) on a *tablet*.

So if you really, really want to play Lichess on your Android device (which needs to have a decently-sized screen), this might just work. Try it and report back!

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