
Search "user:lazzaknight"

61 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - What is e4 in Englund Gambit?#3

Yeah, I used to play 10. Nd5 a lot. It was fun tactic to play, but I've switched to 10. a3 as it seems to be better based on Stockfish's suggestion, and I understand the purpose. But the 12. e4 move i…

General Chess Discussion - What is e4 in Englund Gambit?#1

In the defense against Englund, I can fairly understand all the best moves from move 1 until move 11. But move 12. e4 still bewilders me. I'm not sure why it's the best move in this variation. https:/…

General Chess Discussion - How can increase my rating at a fast pace?#28

When I was around 1500 Rapid rating, I encountered a plateau that lasted for several months. Then, I received some tips from some people I met at OTB tournaments. That was when I started playing Blitz…

General Chess Discussion - Need help to find a laptop for Chess#26

While almost any laptop can be used to play chess, there are several points to consider when using laptops for a chess engine. First things first, you need to understand that the hardware requirements…

General Chess Discussion - Enjoyment vs Study#19

I think it's bound to happen with any specialized knowledge, though. Integral equations in math, chains of DNA in biology, reactions in chemistry, etc. Imagine the confusion when writers use just word…

General Chess Discussion - Enjoyment vs Study#9

When I started playing chess, I was also very eager to start reading many books. However, I never really enjoyed any of them. Lately, 99% of the time, I am just doing puzzles on missed tactics from my…

General Chess Discussion - Amusing Endgame#4

@JuicyChickenNO1 Appreciate the effort. Perhaps Hikaru can execute those mates in 20 or 30 moves, but not me. It's clear, though, that what White should do is not easy: 1. Activate the King, 2. Check,…

General Chess Discussion - How do I improve at endgames at 1550 lichess elo (blitz)#15

@MyMouseFroze said in #1: > Any videos / studies / tips that could be helpful? Agree with #12. I worked through Dvoretsky's famous endgame book last year. It took me around 2 months just to do the exe…

General Chess Discussion - Amusing Endgame#1

I just did postmortem analysis on my games and found this game with quite amusing endgame. White is up a Queen but can hardly proceed, and it is not really a fortress.…

General Chess Discussion - My Chess Study Plan#45

@Monnt said in #40: > The problem with Australians is that we're not very big on chess; it's an hours drive to my 'local' chess club and I'm fairly sure they only have a public 15+8 rapid session on S…
