
Search "user:alexnic"

31 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Unexpected zero evaluation in analysis#5

Thanks for clarifying that part for me. As for the Stockfish engine, isn't it an open-source project? They could create a fork (or release a source patch) with this thing fixed, and the fixed version …

Lichess Feedback - Computer Analysis Improvement#4

As a user of myself, I don't want the perfectly simplistic and adequate analysis interface to be overburdened with features that will make this site just another boring replica of existing…

Game analysis - A dramatic endgame R+R vs R+K#1

The unusual setting of holding against two rooks with a rook and a knight. The evaluation shows a pretty even game, which hides the fact that it was a battle:

Lichess Feedback - Unexpected zero evaluation in analysis#1

In this game evalutation chart I noticed a surprise return to zero at move 46: Is this because the possibility of draw by repetition was considered by the engine, or …

Lichess Feedback - Computer Analysis Improvement#2

I cannot concur with suggestions 1, 3. If anybody wants a free cloud-based Fritz replacement, they're better off buying a copy of Fritz. The analysis on is designed very well, and overall …

Lichess Feedback - Continuing game with en passant move#1

When I tried to finish a game vs the machine, I could not take the pawn en passant. Here's the starting FEN of the game: 2b2rk1/3p2pp/2pNp3/4PpN1/qp1P3P/4P1K1/6P1/1Q6 w - f6 0 36 Looks like the f6 en …

Lichess Feedback - Check highlighting mistake#1

While replaying a puzzle finished vs computer I discovered that the black king was highlighted while the white king was under the check. This bug went on to reproduce itself on next moves. Here's the …

Lichess Feedback - Correspondence Chess Requests#7

Clarkey, you must be forgetting that this site is international. In many cultures paper planes is a childish thing. Maybe in your country grown-up people make paper planes during their work hours in t…

Lichess Feedback - Lichess went down and I lost the game#5

It is possible to modify the site scripts to track the 'on' time so that the moment the servers get back into normal operation the suspended games timers are adjusted to continue counting. Suppose you…

Lichess Feedback - Concluding games when the site is unresponsive#1

I lost two games on time due to problems with connection. It was not on my side, because I could open other websites fine. The last game had a position that I would like to finish. When the red 'Recon…
