
Search "user:CSkaterD"

5 forum posts
Community Blog Discussions - Reykjavik Open Preview#7

@JamesDaBeast said in #4: > is there a men and womens individual section or does open mean any gender (including LGBTQI+) play together? There has never been a "Men's category", regardless the sport i…

General Chess Discussion - World Chess Championship: Games 12 and 13 - Ding's Third Comeback: Chaos in the Colle!#43

IDK what the editor for this article did, but there are numerous errors and incomplete phrases, eg. "Ding employed to score a win in game (n)" and "with Carlsen opening with it and losing to Karjakin …

General Chess Discussion - Large analysis of Niemann's games proves cheating unlikely#29

@AHeroRises said in #26: > Without providing any concrete proof. They insinuated that he was not entirely truthful, but produced exactly zero evidence of that to the public. never provides p…

General Chess Discussion - Large analysis of Niemann's games proves cheating unlikely#24

@IndigoEngun said in #21: "He was punished for it, by being banned from events for some time (and now banned again for dubious reasons)." He was re-banned for downplaying the severity of his…

General Chess Discussion - Announcing the Lichess World Championship#123

We did it gents, no longer has a World Championship! The shitpost was successful, FIDE reclaimed it and now it is a "Global Championship"!
