
Search "user:Wofford"

53 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Puzzle Workshop#2

Well you can do that with the board editor and then save it...maybe that's not exactly what you mean but you can do that and put the link on the message board.

General Chess Discussion - Capablanca Chess#3

Capablaca chess would be awesome beyond believe it needs a 10x8 board thou

General Chess Discussion - Lichess Puzzles Number#3

wow, i remember a person on lichess that had like 37,ooo puzzles does the site remember all the puzzle you ever got or do you sometime get the same puzzle again? also are new puzzles added regularly s…

General Chess Discussion - Puzzle 28599#6

I thought mandeep meant blacks move Qb7 that hangs the queen so I was referring to Queen on f7 there was no mate.

Lichess Feedback - Lichess Training for mobile#2

good idea i tried the lichess training on my phone but it doesn't work well over the regular website

Game analysis - puzzle has me baffled#7

General Chess Discussion - Puzzle 28599#4

there was no mate these puzzles are taken from lichess games Maybe black just didn't see that he would lose his queen or he might have thought if white takes the bait…

Lichess Feedback - Examining training puzzles with "continue from here" counts as loss#5

it also shows you from what game the puzzle was created from which is interesting too...

Lichess Feedback - Examining training puzzles with "continue from here" counts as loss#4

No, not new maybe you didn't notice it had that feature...after you finish a puzzle it says ''continue game from here'' (below the board) and then you can choose vs computer or a friend.

Lichess Feedback - Examining training puzzles with "continue from here" counts as loss#2

Yep, I analyze the puzzles against SF a lot, especially when I didn't solve it but also puzzles that I did solve sometimes to understand them better or see the continuation.
