
Search "user:drilonhoti"

8 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - How does the rule of leaving the game works?#5

I dont really know.I was replaying moves when i got the game lost.Anyways,thats a good idea but as you said cases with sacrifices would be a problem. I just dont understand the point on letting time c…

General Chess Discussion - How does the rule of leaving the game works?#2 this is the game anyways.

General Chess Discussion - How does the rule of leaving the game works?#1

Can someone explain me why did I lost the game here? I was playing a 90+30 game and black left the game in a lost position and let the clock running. I waited about 40 minutes and than I lost the game…

General Chess Discussion - Just another crazy game#7

The mate with a bishop and a knight looks a masterpiece,since I don't get to see it often. Amazing game.

General Chess Discussion - Lost#1

This is the most painful game i ever lost. Dominated in the whole game and than missed mate in 3. Made 2 sacrifices for nothing and in the end I lost the game. And I wont play chess till tomorrow. lol…

General Chess Discussion - Learning and training#1

Hello guys. I only recently discovered this forum and it looks really helpful. I would like to get some advises on games by someone who knows chess well. I could play some casual classical games a day…

General Chess Discussion - Still in search of a trainings-partner#8

I too would be happy to help and improve myself too. We could play casual games and discuss ideas on the moves one by one. You can invite me to play later today. Just message me.

General Chess Discussion - Not resigning in a complete lost position#1

Today I was playing a 60+5 game against someone called Mehrdad95 and he got in a completely lost position only when clock was on 49 minutes. He left the game and I had to wait 50 minutes on the laptop…
