
Regium: Extraordinary Claims Require Extraordinary Evidence

Also, if Regium really have a working chessboard, they'd have no problem giving a demo to Unbox Therapy or large YouTube channels like that, no? I mean what is the problem? You can't tell us that your product is close to completion and you can't give anyone outside your company a demo?
creating not one, but multiple sockpuppets actually; here, but apparently also on chess . com (?) and most likely on twitter, too. See #557
I am so afraid I will wake up screaming tonight dreaming it was all real, and lynching behaviour killed a marvelous project. In my dream it would indeed be a project half way there, with clumsy advertisement and an owner who sees his ambitions brutely attacked and goes into desperation mode, looking at his beautiful almost perfect chessboard.
Well folks, I'm not sure what the lesson was, is, or will be. But I guess all of us would be better off playing some OTB with our friends and loved ones and leave this crazy world to boil itself away. and personally I think that flood commenting and defaming someone on google search on purpose, without clear proof, is just as worse as scamming. we are not the law, nor police. the ones who really ought to pay the price are kickstarter, if they do not insist on protecting their users and validating that this is genuin. This is the REAL difference between the big buck companies who only see the dollars, and an independent, user-backed free space like Lichess. and this is the positive thing to be taken from it all - that in here we are a community, we take care of ourselves - but we can't wage wars, it's just too much.

I think this is a story that spiraled out of control, and yes, that it definitely might be feasible to produce a good e-board, using under the board inductors, coils, and some smart usage of dsp techniques. we landed on the moon in 1969, an automatic chess board.. how impossible can it be? We'll have to wait and see. Going back for more popcorn..
@WildTiger and the others who posted on KS! It was pretty funny.

I hope the project gets suspended. What's unfortunate is that Kickstarter doesn't actually hold any money themselves, instead the money is transferred automatically from the backers account once the project is deemed "funded". I don't know when that is, though.
For those who write to tech sites like @CyrusKing suggests (I'm sure I will), feel free to draw from the evidence list, which is post #681

Once I find time, I'll edit in links for the pieces of evidence.

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