King and Pawn Endgame


King and Pawn Endgame | Endgame Expert Series | Test One

Endgame Expert Series by Candidate Master Pawan Dodeja !

Endgame Expert Series | Test OneEndgame Expert Series by FIDE Candidate Master Pawan Dodeja !
d’pawn Chess Academy | INDIA
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If you are a chess coach or wanted to improve your chess on your own then this kind of Endgame test is really important to work on to check your improvement and it will give you more confidence when you are actually playing the over the board or online chess games!

King & Pawn Endgame | Test One:
Level: Basic | Try to solve these puzzles using 30 min time!

Student’s Name:___________________________________FIDE/LiChess Rating: ___________ Score: ______/______ [ for every correct answer you will get 10 points]

Try to work on this with your kid/students or check yourself! give us feedback about your score! Be honest while working and make sure you are writing all the answers like you give any school exam!
Best of Luck to all .... Your TIME Starts NOW......!

SET THE 30 min TIME and START!!

01) Explain types of opposition in the King & pawn Endgame?

02) When White’s pawn is on d4 then the Key Squares are: _______________

03) Solve this position in Blindfold: White: Kg6, h5 Black: Ke7 and its White to play?

04) White: Kf1, g2 Black: Kc8 | White to move & White will win: Yes, or No?

05) White: Kf4, e3 Black: Kg8, d5 |Black to move? White is winning: True OR False

06) Write the Big Square of a2 pawn?

07) Name any of the three books on endgames?

08) White: Kf1, a2, d4 Black: Kf3, f7, e6 White will win this position: Y/N

09) White: Kg6, g5 Black: Kg8 What is the best continuation for white, is there any trick available in this position?

10) White: Kf4, f5, h4 Black: Kd5, f6, g7 | is it possible to defend the position for white?

Hope it was a good experience for you and you have new questions to ask. That's exactly my point for sharing this test, as they say "the more you ask, the more you learn"!

Coach Sign :
Date: ______________ Place: _____________________

Write your score in the comments! If you have any questions, ask in the comments, I will try to answer positively!

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