
Sick of Fisher quotes

"Bobby Fischer quotes are all wrong and fabricated because I never said such things"

- Bobby Fischer, May 19, 2010, post-Morten appearance during a seance. Ghost's host - Boris Spassky.
Don't be silly, only 73 of 547 quotes are related to Fischer
Which one is your 'favourite?

1 ("All I want to do, ever, is just play chess.", "Bobby Fischer")
2 ("I don’t believe in psychology. I believe in good moves.", "Bobby Fischer")
3 ("I give 98 percent of my mental energy to chess.", "Bobby Fischer")
4 ("Your body has to be in top condition. Your chess deteriorates as your body does. You can’t separate body from mind.", "Bobby Fischer")
5 ("Its just you and your opponent at the board and you’re trying to prove something.", "Bobby Fischer")
6 ("Chess is like war on a board.", "Bobby Fischer")
7 ("You have to have the fighting spirit. You have to force moves and take chances.", "Bobby Fischer")
8 ("That’s what chess is all about. One day you give your opponent a lesson, the next day he gives you one.", "Bobby Fischer")
9 ("I like the moment when I break a man’s ego.", "Bobby Fischer")
10 ("There are tough players and nice guys, and I’m a tough player.", "Bobby Fischer")
11 ("I am the best player in the world and I am here to prove it.", "Bobby Fischer")
12 ("If I win a tournament, I win it by myself. I do the playing. Nobody helps me.", "Bobby Fischer")
13 ("Don’t even mention losing to me. I can’t stand to think of it.", "Bobby Fischer")
14 ("A strong memory, concentration, imagination, and a strong will is required to become a great chess player.", "Bobby Fischer")
15 ("I know people who have all the will in the world, but still can’t play good chess.", "Bobby Fischer")
16 ("Different people feel differently about resigning.", "Bobby Fischer")
17 ("All that matters on the chessboard is good moves.", "Bobby Fischer")
18 ("Tactics flow from a superior position.", "Bobby Fischer")
19 ("Chess is life.", "Bobby Fischer")
20 ("Best by test: 1. e4.", "Bobby Fischer")
21 ("Morphy was probably the greatest genius of them all.", "Bobby Fischer")
22 ("My opponents make good moves too. Sometimes I don’t take these things into consideration.", "Bobby Fischer")
23 ("Chess demands total concentration.", "Bobby Fischer")
24 ("All my games are real.", "Bobby Fischer")
25 ("I’m not afraid of Spassky. The world knows I’m the best.", "Bobby Fischer")
26 ("Chess is war over the board. The object is to crush the opponents mind.", "Bobby Fischer")
27 ("You can only get good at chess if you love the game.", "Bobby Fischer")
28 ("My God, Bobby Fischer plays so simply.", "Alexei Suetin")
29 ("It is difficult to play against Einstein’s theory --on his first loss to Fischer.", "Mikhail Tal")
30 ("Do you realize Fischer almost never has any bad pieces? He exchanges them, and the bad pieces remain with his opponents.", "Yuri Balashov")
31 ("You know you’re going to lose. Even when I was ahead I knew I was going to lose --on playing against Fischer.", "Andrew Soltis")
32 ("It began to feel as though you were playing against chess itself --on playing against Robert Fischer.", "Walter Shipman")
33 ("In complicated positions, Bobby Fischer hardly had to be afraid of anybody.", "Paul Keres")
34 ("It was clear to me that the vulnerable point of the American Grandmaster (Bobby Fischer) was in double-edged, hanging, irrational positions, where he often failed to find a win even in a won position.", "Efim Geller")
35 ("In Fischer’s hands, a slight theoretical advantage is as good a being a queen ahead.", "Isaac Kashdan")
36 ("I still hope to kill Fischer.", "Boris Spassky")
37 ("Is Bobby Fischer quite sane?", "Salo Flohr")
38 ("Robert Fischer is a law unto himself.", "Larry Evans")
39 ("Fischer is under obligation to nobody.", "Joseph Platz")
40 ("Bobby Fischer’s current state of mind is indeed a tragedy. One of the worlds greatest chess players - the pride and sorrow of American chess.", "Frank Brady")
41 ("Fischer is an American chess tragedy on par with Morphy and Pillsbury.", "Mig Greengard")
42 ("Nonsense was the last thing Fischer was interested in, as far as chess was concerned.", "Elie Agur")
43 ("Fischer is the strongest player in the world. In fact, the strongest player who ever lived.", "Larry Evans")
44 ("Fischer sacrificed virtually everything most of us weakies (to use his term) value, respect, and cherish, for the sake of an artful, often beautiful board game, for the ambivalent privilege of being its greatest master.", "Paul Kollar")
45 ("Fischer chess play was always razor-sharp, rational and brilliant. One of the best ever.", "Dave Regis")
46 ("Fischer wanted to give the Russians a taste of their own medicine.", "Larry Evans")
47 ("With or without the title, Bobby Fischer was unquestionably the greatest player of his time.", "Burt Hochberg")
48 ("Fischer is completely natural. He plays no roles. He’s like a child. Very, very simple.", "Zita Rajcsanyi")
49 ("Spassky will not be psyched out by Fischer.", "Mike Goodall")
50 ("Fischer, who may or may not be mad as a hatter, has every right to be horrified.", "Jeremy Silman")
51 ("When I asked Fischer why he had not played a certain move in our game, he replied: ‘Well, you laughed when I wrote it down!’", "Mikhail Tal")
52 ("Fischer prefers to enter chess history alone.", "Miguel Najdorf")
53 ("By this measure (on the gap between Fischer & his contemporaries), I consider him the greatest world champion.", "Garry Kasparov")
54 ("By the beauty of his games, the clarity of his play, and the brilliance of his ideas, Fischer made himself an artist of the same stature as Brahms, Rembrandt, and Shakespeare.", "David Levy")
55 ("Many chess players were surprised when after the game, Fischer quietly explained: ’I had already analyzed this possibility’ in a position which I thought was not possible to foresee from the opening.", "Mikhail Tal")
56 ("Suddenly it was obvious to me in my analysis I had missed what Fischer had found with the greatest of ease at the board.", "Mikhail Botvinnik")
57 ("Bobby Fischer is the greatest chess genius of all time!", "Alexander Kotov")
58 ("There is only one thing Fischer does in chess without pleasure: to lose!", "Boris Spassky")
59 ("Bobby Fischer is the greatest chess player who has ever lived.", "Ken Smith")
60 ("Fischer was a master of clarity and a king of artful positioning. His opponents would see where he was going but were powerless to stop him.", "Bruce Pandolfini")
61 ("I consider Fischer to be one of the greatest opening experts ever.", "Keith Hayward")
62 ("I like to say that Bobby Fischer was the greatest player ever. But what made Fischer a genius was his ability to blend an American freshness and pragmatism with Russian ideas about strategy.", "Bruce Pandolfini")
63 ("At this time Fischer is simply a level above all the best chessplayers in the world.", "John Jacobs")
64 ("All that matters on the chessboard is good moves.", "Bobby Fischer")
65 ("Americans really don't know much about chess. But I think when I beat Spassky, that Americans will take a greater interest in chess. Americans like winners.", "Bobby Fischer")
66 ("Blitz chess kills your ideas.", "Bobby Fischer")
67 ("Bobby Fischer started off each game with a great advantage: after the opening he had used less time than his opponent and thus had more time available later on. The major reason why he never had serious time pressure was that his rapid opening play simply left sufficient time for the middlegame.", "Edmar Mednis")
68 ("Boris Vasilievich was the only top-class player of his generation who played gambits regularly and without fear ... Over a period of 30 years he did not lose a single game with the King's Gambit, and among those defeated were numerous strong players of all generations, from Averbakh, Bronstein and Fischer, to Seirawan.", "Garry Kasparov")
69 ("Chess is a matter of delicate judgement, knowing when to punch and how to duck.", "Bobby Fischer")
70 ("Concentrate on material gains. Whatever your opponent gives you take, unless you see a good reason not to.", "Bobby Fischer")
71 ("Don't even mention losing to me. I can't stand to think of it.", "Bobby Fischer")
72 ("Fischer is Fischer, but a knight is a knight!", "Mikhail Tal")
73 ("Genius. It's a word. What does it really mean? If I win I'm a genius. If I don't, I'm not.", "Bobby Fischer")
eww.. seems u are originally responsible for this thread. Now stone him to death, Dismember him and burn his remains.
"Leave me alone and don't quote me!"

- Bobby Fischer, 1972
I have tons and tons of fischer stuff in my chess archives . Including my booby fischer scrape book and many obscure chess periodicals related to fischer...I can maybe find something #22 left out...if you like ...? lol:]
I do own a Bobby Fischer myself and if I let him out of my closet he is going to drop post after post 24/7/365 till u cry.. jump this!!

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