
The absurdity of bullet

Another reason why I hate bullet is the lag that I always suffer. My time runs even after I have moved and I always lose on time against weaker opponents as well. My opponents have actually more time than I have. It is unfair, it is a form of cheating that only occurs in bullet games. That makes me angry.

This link might help, in case you haven't seen it. And it is NOT a form of cheating, as it is impossible for your opponent to somehow make you lag a whole bunch. I sometimes get frustrated with lag, so my only solution is to only play bullet chess when I have a good connection. (Max 500 ms). Remember, you don't have to play bullet chess, but that shouldn't mean that we can't :).
Obviously, you'll improve more by playing slow chess, but some people may not have time for a slow game... I'll leave it at that.
Thank you for the link seanysean.
I did not mean that my opponents cheat, I meant it is a form of unintentional cheating caused by bad connection... as if my computer or the server cheated against me.
Seanysean, lag can be a form of cheating. And I can prove it. :)
What is cheating? It's a process of deceiving, right?
Now I will show, how I get deceived by that page, which link you have sent of. It shows that my lag is perfect: about 70 ms. Sometimes, very rarely, it spikes to 120 ms. But I can lose 0.3 second on one premove sometimes. So you see, that, thought my ping is absolutely fine, I still can lose time, which is unexplainable. Indeed, how can I lose 300 ms, if my maximum ping is only very rarely 120 ms (an usually 70)? So it is a form of cheating, because I get deceived by that page or by something else.
Oh, I didn't understand what alessettembre meant, sorry... I understand now. Sometimes my ping is 100ms, and it spikes to 2000 ms :/
In that case it's not cheating. Because it shows you have a spike to 2000 ms, and you lose time, but it's done fairly, you know why it's going — because of bad connection. But in my case, I have a good connection, it doesn't have any spikes to 300, 600, 2000 ms, but I still can lose 0.3 second. So it's cheating. :)
I think bullet is another game, it is something "based on chess". You can't see it as chess, because the very short time changes it all. Some people find it fun (yes, it is very fun), so why not play it? It is very fun to play it in real life, moving the pieces fast and hitting the clock is so much fun (really). And you blunder a lot, which is just hilarious.

Bullet chess differs from long chess the same way spoken words differs from written words. As you see, however, the fact that words are spoken doesn't make it not words, it is still words. But you can obviously see the analogy: written words require more time to be written, so it is as long chess; spoken words usually are spoken fast, which equate it to bullet chess. In both cases, the speed doesn't change the essence: words stay words, chess stays chess.

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