
More sort options when searching for coaches

It would be nice to have a few more options when searching for coaches. I know what my budget is, and it is frustrating to have to sift through so many profiles when they are far outside my price range. Additionally, it would be nice to be able to eliminate certain countries from the search instead of only being able to sort by individual countries. This feature would be nice because then I still get all of the countries I'm legally able to do business with - for me, in the U.S., I believe there are restrictions on a few nations...and I'm sure citizens of other countries may also have restrictions, so it may be beneficial for lichess to allow this sort in order to help people steer clear of sanction violations. I would personally have no problem working with people from any country, but if I could face legal consequences, it's a deal breaker. My final request would be to allow users to search for coaches by rating range. I personally don't feel like I could connect with a 2400+ player, maybe even 2300+ player...I feel these very strong players have a natural gift for the game and would perhaps struggle to understand where I'm struggling (I could be completely wrong), so I might want to find a coach that is much closer to my rating. The only way to do this currently is by scrolling through a seemingly endless list of coaches, which wastes a lot of my time.

- Please allow users to sort coaches by price range (min - max?)
- Please allow users to sort by eliminating certain countries from the results.
- Please allow users to sort coaches by rating band (min - max).

Thank you very much for your time and consideration of these requests.