
Search "user:gogoattack"

19 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - People who depend on clock to win WHEN IN THE LOSING POSITION #19

I could spend all my time for first 10 moves playing against you and possibly get +2 evaluation by stockfish. +2 is almost win for me, does it mean that you should resign at this point?

General Chess Discussion - People who depend on clock to win WHEN IN THE LOSING POSITION #18

There is always tradeoff between quality of moves and your time. Better moves require more time. In game with time controls each player chooses the optimal proportion of time spent on thinking vs qua…

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Lichess Feedback - Confetti#2

+ 1

Game analysis - StockFish#7

Thanks for your answer!

Game analysis - StockFish#5

how good is computer analysis? i guess it is better than ai level 8 because sometimes it finds mistakes there, but how much is it better?

Lichess Feedback - profile page#1

Is it possible to add there what openings are usually played by percentage? like on

Lichess Feedback - Buttons#2

Yes please. I understand your willingness to constantly change something to make site better, but sometimes these changes make things worse. The last modifications are frankly speaking retarded.

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