
evolution or creation

What do You think :
did God created planet Earth and space and mankind in six days or life happened during billions years of evolution ?
I personally think that life must be of intelligent origin - so God created life.
If you dont study the history of taxonomy nor understand how the systematic classification of life works and how is the life classified by taxonomy, you cannot really understand evolution and will be more likely to believe in an "intelligent design", which taxonomy clearly shows its quite dumb actually.

But once you actually understand how the classification works and why, you will realize that the "intelligent design" is not a model, its not a system, does not provide any explanation for anything and as i said, its not intelligent.

I would recommend you to go to youtube, search for a tuber called Aronra and search in his playlist a series of 50+ videos or so about the systematic classification of life. They are short videos, like 10 mins each, you can watch 1 or 2 a day, digest them and continue the series. Once you start to understand how the classification works, you will get valuable knowledge, and you will see that the intelligent design doesnt work.

By the way, there is a video called the phylogeny challenge from the same tuber. Also short. Watch that one first.

So, this one first.

Then this entire playlist.

Tell me if you defend intelligent design after watching and digesting the entire playlist. It is very useful knowledge, i can assure you, its not a waste of time, the opposite actually. Very good use of your time.
@ddfjdfjh said in #1:
> What do You think :
> did God created planet Earth and space and mankind in six days

This is not "thinking", it is "believing". Thinking people don't believe and believing people don't think - it is mutually exclusive.
We resemble the Universe, as we're made of the exact same stuff as It.
So anything we call "Intelligent", can and will be found in It.
And we're right back at the Icken and the Chegg:D
@Alientcp did You read book by Robert Gentry "Little mistery of creation". There he explains how he found radium in the rock of granite, which decomposes into polonium, he found three rings of decay of radium to polonium, the process of decomposition was estimated at three minutes. Gentry's conclusion is that this granite rock was formed in three minutes, which is the time of the decay of radium to polonium. The conclusion is that God could have created the world in six days if granite was created in three minutes. Robert Gentry defended his position in court and against leading experts in evolution, who failed to explain his conclusion. He lost, without explanation, evolutionists said his discovery was a "little mystery of creation" and that it was only a matter of time before they could explain it scientifically. If he won, the theory of creating a world from an intelligent being would be introduced in schools, that is. God.
By the way, I was brought up as a Christian, and I studied evolution at school and believed in it until I heard this story.
And, simple question:
iff evolution happened what was first - chicken or egg ?
We can't really prove it, but I don't believe in god. (I'm an atheist)
It's just my personality, I don't like to believe things that isn't proved.

*Even though this is a little bit off-topic, but I think 'I don't believe in god, but rather I believe science' is incorrect.
We can't prove something about these, so it will be more like, 'I don't believe in god, but we can't prove it'.
@clousems they must because evolution is ,excuse me, totally stupid and impossible but both creation and evolution is still just theories.

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