
evolution or creation

Huh? Are you off your head dude? I was not making a sarcasm, I was making a serious explanation of why evolution and creation are (mostly) mutually exclusive.

And I'm not a theist, but you know that.
God was created by humans. One example from history: A lightning hits a tree and the tree burns. That was so fascinating. That must be the work of a God. Today, we know more about lightnings and fire. So it isn't God's work anymore. Instead, Meteorologists can predict lightnings because we have more knowledge today.

>The thunderbolt became a popular symbol of Zeus and continues to be today.

>In Slavic mythology the highest god of the pantheon is Perun, the god of thunder and lightning.

>In Norse mythology, Thor is the god of thunder and the sound of thunder comes from the chariot he rides across the sky. The lightning comes from his hammer Mjölnir.

>In Christianity, lightning is symbolized and attributed to the divinity and power of God.

>In Islam, the Quran states: "He it is Who showeth you the lightning, a fear and a hope, and raiseth the heavy clouds. The thunder hymneth His praise and (so do) the angels for awe of Him. He launcheth the thunder-bolts and smiteth with them whom He will."

>In India, the Hindu god Indra is considered the god of rains and lightning and the king of the Devas.

>In Japan, the Shinto god Raijin is considered the god of lightning and thunder. He is depicted as a demon who strikes a drum to create lightning.

>In the traditional religion of the African Bantu tribes, such as the Baganda and Banyoro of Uganda, lightning is a sign of the ire of the gods. Lightning is also known to be invoked upon one's enemies by uttering certain chants, prayers, and making sacrifices.

Now rudiments as one example of evolution:

>Rudiments are residual organs that occur in all the individuals of a certain species, where they do not fulfill any function in this species. Thus, they are mostly much smaller and structurally simpler than where they fulfill some sort of function. Some rudiments in the given species of organism are formed only during embryonic development and cannot be found in adult individuals. The appendix, a worm-like protuberance of the intestine, is considered to be a rudiment in humans. In a great many taxa, the appendix plays a very important role in digestion and is quite large. It has been substantially reduced in humans and its removal apparently does not negatively affect the fitness of the individual.

A God wouldn't give us a useless appendix. Such rudiments are the result of evolution.
Deus ex Machina?
We are definitely IN Machina.
So wherever Deus would be, would be forever unreachable.
#17: @polylogarithmique
Supposing there is an omnipotent, all-seeing entity, who are we to evaluate his decision-making process? I'm a big fan of rational thought, but I don't know if it always holds up in these esoteric discussions.
@ddfjdfjh perhaps God created evolution.
Creating life from a stew of fundamental particles is somehow more impressive than a miraculous proclamation of let there be life . Guess I'm saying don't put limitations on the illimatable.
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@clousems #14 do you think you have enough knowledge?
How you can say that earth is not organism
According to Margulis and Lovelock, Earth, rather than acting like an inanimate, non-living object, instead behaves like a living system. ... While still not a living organism like a plant, animal, or human being, Earth can nonetheless be seen as a living system that behaves in significant ways like a living organism.
I think Duke hits the nail on the head. Evolution is infinitely more amazing than creating creatures manually. If you want to give your god credit, give him/her/it/whateveryouwanttocallgod the credit of designing a complicated system that itself designs creatures. Now *that's* cool.

Counting to 100000 manually may be impressive, but
for x in range(1,100001):

is just better. Give your god the credit they deserve.
It is shame for someone who likes chess to be atheist... Also it's shame to believe that God didn't created Space, Earth and life on this planet. Believing in evolution while we can't see evolution happening in about 7500 years of human civilazations. Some people don't believe in existence of God, Heaven or Hell, Soul....incredible
@TCF_Namelecc have You even read Holy Bible ? Nothing except man was created manually, even it is said - man is created from ground....

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