
Lichess and me

Xadrex - you have a choice in life - girls or chess. You can't have's fact! Are you sure you want to spend your time being better than me at chess? Good! Give some of your points to me.....
I found it through an imageboard back in early 2010. I registered this account later but I frequently played anonymously regardless. At the time, it was probably the best looking site on the whole internet. Nothing even came close to its design, but also its surprising snappiness in how quickly the pages loaded. And it was all native, without Flash and the like -- and that set it apart from much of the competition. So in many ways, it was an innovator. It has since totally changed direction from being 'lightweight' (and it really was lightweight) to basically packing as many features as possible.

I often recount this story, but I still remember the time that everyone in public chat (we don't have one anymore) was excited about lichess surpassing 60 players connected at the same time.

PS: If a forum improvements were to be made (they're planned, of course), it would have to be like -- which is more or less my perfect forum. I wouldn't want people deleting posts as that hides a lot of stuff, but instead flagging a post for deletion, which IMO is one of the greatest design decisions the Discourse team made (among many others).
Grrr...Look, you've heard of economies right? When you choose to stop playing - what's going to happen to your points? Exactly - these aren't air miles! These points aren't going to get you a holiday in the Maldives.....:D
chunkymonkey : You realize that there's a bunch of girls on Lichess who can see this right...? But then again I would choose chess over boys...

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